Saturday 19 October 2013

Edinburgh History Tour by Hannah

This was one of my favourite walks this year. Hannah (my beautiful daughter on the right) invited me on a walking tour of Edinburgh which she had devised.....Also my truly amazing niece Tuesday (left) and the Fabby Rachel in the middle............The clever Ruth joined us later.......(she's just had a paper published )

 Arthur was born near here

This is Stringers, a shop which sells stringed instruments. This is someone making or repairing one?

This is a piano bar where you can pay the player a £1 and he will play a request.. Must go there one day

Hannah showed us the place where Robert stayed. He used to look out the window and see the Gas light

His front door
This was intriguing. These tiles on the pavement in Fredrick Street. Not sure what it was originally

Edinburgh Castle

This was an interesting story
This was the character who inspired Stevenson's Jekyll and Hyde

These 3 brass bars are situated where the last public execution took place in Edinburgh

I didn't really listen to this story as people kept spitting on this heart. It was disgusting. Something about good luck?

I took this photo for my son Lawrence who is a philosopher

Where Harry Potter was written.

We visited the grave where this wee dog lived

He was fed here while he lived at the Graveyard

This is where the tour ended. Its a historical pub. I can't remember all the facts about it apart from its near the University and it does a wonderful glass of wine. Thanks Hannah. Great walk

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