Monday 30 September 2013

Ford, Nothumberland (an english walk)

My first walk of the year in England and what a beautiful place, Ford in Northumberland
This used to be the school and is now an art gallery

The Blacksmiths house of course.....

This is the avenue down to Ford Castle

Victorian Post Box. I was shown one in Gairloch. Wonder how many there are

The colour of this rose was so beautiful

thought the seeds from this tree looked like beads of a necklace

Just to prove I'm still walking

The castle in the 1950's became an outdoor centre for children. It was recently taken over by another company and was supposed to be opened in 2012 but work is still being done on it. Doesn't look open at all.

Its a fabulous building. Great fun for children. Looks a bit like Hogwarts

They believe, Ford is where the monks crossed the river on their journey between Iona and Lindisfarne
I believe there is a connection with James IV of Scotland and the Castle

The view from the castle

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