Tuesday 31 December 2013

Sheriffmuir Standing Stones and the last one of the year.

I've done 374 walks (more than one some days), only  missed 3 days through illness so had some to spare and every one of the walks was different.

We parked at the Sheriffmuir Inn and headed to the Standing Stones. There is a row of 5 and only one is still standing. They are in the area to the right of this road we walked up.
It had been raining all morning but it stayed dry while we were walking
My Wonderful friends Bernie, Jo (me), Shona, Andrea, Sue. Bridget, Alison, Jill, Sophie and Sally (taking the photo)

Us having a Wee Moment

My turn to walk through the stone
A drink to celebrate at the Sheriffmuir Inn
A fabulous walk at the end of a wonderful year.
 A BIG THANKYOU to Pete for the blog and being so encouraging and supportive all year. Its a fantastic record of all the walks.

Alison made this fantastic mug for me 


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