Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Years Day Argarty Road

No I haven't stopped walking. I started it to improve my breathing and general health and it has worked brilliantly so I'm keeping it up. I'll still try and walk every day but now I will not worry about it being a new walk every day. So I can revisit some of the walks I did last year and I'll try and get some better photos. During the course of the year I've been collecting information about walks and now have thousands to try. So there is enough walks out there for many, many years to come. And so many I want to try. Roll on the next one.

I may not blog every day as that has been hard. But I'll blog the best. Keep watching.

This is the same walk I did last year on New Years Day. Its the Road to Argarty

This is the Old Railway Track to Doune which Argarty Road crosses over

The sun light  on the hedge was fabulous
Dumyat, which I didn't manage to climb last year

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