Monday 21 October 2013

Fishermans Walk

I parked in the car park at the bottom of Fishermans Walk in the Cornton Stirling

Stirling Castle
I headed down a path which I had never been on before, not sure where it would take me

I reckon these must be old farm buildings
The path continued through this gap in the hedge
I noticed they have tried to kill the Giant Hogweed along here. Its a 20ft tall plant. The sap contains toxins which can cause severe burns and blistering for months. It the sap touches your skin, cover it up to protect it from sun light and get medical help
This is the New Stirling College across the river. It's restaurant has wonderful views, its run by the students and is open to the public
The path brought me out to this part of the river, but lunch time was over to I'll leave this part until another day

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