Thursday 13 March 2014

Pennine Way (Hawes)

We drove to the pretty village of Hawes in the Yorkshire Dales to walk part of the Pennine Way. Its a great ambition of mine to do some of this walk. This heads North
We had a great day for it with good weather

There was quite a big trout in the river as well as tiny fish

I thought I would send Nikki a photo of her almost finished Stag Hoody I made for her

This was my 58th Birthday Walk. 2 years ago on this day I was walking on the Great Wall of China. Another great wall!

I haven't so far seen lambs in Scotland on my walks. There were loads down south. Lovely to see!

Not sure why Pete put this photo in?

This was a beautiful interesting knitting shop in Hawes.

This is just like the knitting pattern I've been knitting for my nieces

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