Monday 4 November 2013

Lamlash Bay

Ah...a holiday from work so we headed across the water to Arran

Lamlash Bay

The water was so clear

This church has so many birds living in the bushes and trees growing on it. Its getting renovated so I presume they will have to move.
It was hard to remember I was still in Scotland

This pheasant was basking in the sun in a garden

This seal was basking in the No Take Zone which is the first area in Scotland where no one is allowed to fish. There is a great film showing how well the sea bed is recovering. They are hoping to have a Marine Protected Area round the south side of Arran.
 The Holy Isle in Lamlash Bay

Soon lots of seals arrived to bask in the afternoon sun

We were staying in the Kildonan Hotel. This is Fladda Island with Ailsa Craig in the distance
We arrived just as the sun was setting
We were lucky enough to chat to some workmen who had been watching a family of otters all day. We were able to watch them over the next couple of days.
What a view I had when enjoying my glass of wine.......Pete knows what makes me happy.......


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