Tuesday 12 March 2013

Broadford, harbour to harbour + Irishmans Point

We parked at the CoOp as we had to get more LemSips. We both have awful colds now. Still undaunted we ventured forth to repeat a walk we did 2 years ago. It was summer then and we remembered this walk for the wild flowers but it was mainly broom out this time.

 After walking from the first harbour along the front you reach this bridge over the tidal river

When we looked down in the river we saw lots of fish about 8 or 9 inches long.

As we walked along this path there were lots of starlings singing and they seemed to start all the other birds off too.

 and so to the second harbour where we stopped the walk last time. Along the way we passed a few boards giving information about the railway that used to bring Skye marble to the harbour here.

 At this stage I made the mistake of suggesting we continue the walk to Irishmans Point - 10 minutes on it said.

The views were magnificent with the play of the sun on the hills around but the pictures didn't live up to it.

 When we got to Irishmans Point the wind was bitter cold from the north and made my lungs hurt - I struggled back and was happy to go for a cup of tea and a cake in a local cafe.

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