Monday 11 March 2013

An Corran, Staffin, Skye

Today I walked with dinosaurs. We went to a beach on Skye where dinosaurs once walked and left their footprints in the sand. It took us ages to find one but a couple showed us the one they had found after watching a guide showing people round. And here it is:

The sun was shining, it was not warm except in the sun but it was a stunning day. The sea and the sky were so blue.

I walked along the beach and there was so much to see. The sand was black and gold bands with clear clear water rippling across it.

Pete decided he wanted to take a walk in a forest and chose a kelp forest. He tells me it was a very low spring tide so lots of kelp was exposed. The bay behind hin was called Og nan Ron, the bay of seals.

And so you can get an idea of the size of the dinosaur here it is next to my glove.

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