Monday 9 December 2013

Auchenbowie Park, Stirling

This is Auchenbowie House which can be seen easily from the A9 on the left just as you are approaching Stirling.

Its a very pleasant area to walk in. I've never been here before

This is the caravan park which is closed for the winter

When I was returning up this road, a woman was coming towards me with 2 dogs. One was on a lead and the other wasn't and it proceeded to jump up on me. It is amazing the number of dogs which jump up at me. I'm not really fond of dogs and I show them no encouragement. I'm am told by my niece Harriet that I respond wrongly to them. The walk I did recently in Dollar horrified me when I heard someone calling their dog and when I looked round I saw this enormous wolfhound bounding towards me. I just stood stock still and in this case it didn't jump on me. I love well behaved dogs but I'll start recording the  jumping on me incidents and you will be surprised. I wonder what these people would do if I had let my kids jump up on them with muddy hands and feet?

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