Monday 28 October 2013

Old Doune Road to Greenyards

I parked on the Argarty Road and walked back up towards the main road which I crossed and headed up the path towards Dunblane

At the top of this path I turned left towards Greenyards
Loads of berries on this bush

Wild flowers are still blossoming
It was such a beautiful path

I met a man on the farm track who stopped his car and asked how I slept last night. I did think it was a peculiar question to ask but I launched in to the fact I hadn't slept well but thought it was because of the clocks changing. I also asked why he had asked me the question. He then admitted he thought I was a holiday maker staying in one of his cottages. We then had a chat about local walks and I was able to get a few more ideas for future walks.  It was funny........

heading back to the car

This was part of the old railway line which ran between Doune and Dunblane

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