Friday 11 October 2013

Loch Ericht

I've had my eye on this walk for a while. On my way up north to spend the weekend on the Black Isle I stopped at Dalwhinnie and parked just before the railway crossing. The sun was shining as I headed down the side of Loch Ericht. The water level was really low.

I could see hard packed ice on the tops of the mountains

This is the gate house built in recent years by the Swiss owners of the Ben Alder Estate

What a fantastic day I chose to walk along this path.

Approaching the Gate House

The views were spectacular

I didn't see any deer but I saw loads of deer prints and heard them bellowing across the water.

These mushrooms were growing on gravel. They looked fantastic.

The road went into a really, really dark forest which was horrible after being in the sun but there were lots of brilliant fungus.

They carpeted the side of the road

This one was back out in the sun.

Heading back to the car. This was certainly one of the highlights, this year of walks.

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