Sunday 22 September 2013

Lake of Menteith

I'm lucky to live not too far from this beautiful romantic island

Jill turning the board round to call the boat over from the island to collect us. The film the Flying Scotsman was filmed here. I remember the boat going round and round in circles on the water while Jonny Lee Millar was sitting on this quay side being filmed

The day was very atmospheric

No Ospreys today. They have  flown to Africa

Inchmaholm Priory

We walked round the island which did not take long, as its really small

How often did the child Mary Queen of Scots run along this path

The last time I was here, the geese were sitting on nests around the island, sometimes very close to the path

This tree is amazing.

They must have brought all the stone for the Priory over by rowing boat

Once, when I came here with my friend Alison there was a wedding taking place. They have stopped having weddings on the island. I don't know why?


Time to leave the island

Off, she goes with some more visitors on board

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