Saturday 16 February 2013

Gartmorn Dam, near Alloa

There is a lot of work going on there so parking was limited. The water was also low to allow for the works. We walked all the way round the dam. I say we as I had two good friends with me. Walking when I'm not working is fun as I often now have company from my friends. They have been really encouraging about this little exploit.

My friends are all saying I should prove I'm going on these walks by being in a photo so here I am.

It was a bit misty as you can see from the photos but it was dry.

This swan was out for a walk rather than swimming.
The rest were still feeding

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you put in a picture of yourself, mum. Now we know that you are actually doing the walks about not just googling the pictures. x
