Thursday 14 November 2013

Below Sauchie Craig

I wasn't able to walk today until 4pm, The sun was just starting to go down

I parked beside the ford on Gateside Road near Stirling
This is the Quarry on Gillies Hill
Its a nice quiet road with not many cars
These are old Lilm Kilns Vast quantities of Lime were used to "sweeten" the acid soil of the Carse of Stirling which were being reclaimed from bog land at this time

The sun set made everything a fabulous colour of pink

Views over to Ben Vorlich

1 comment:

  1. You've preserved such beauty and reason why Gillies Hill should NOT be destroyed. The history behind is tremendous. They were not camp followers but Highlanders led by the Bruce in the final assault ousting the English. Too bad that 1707 came. Thank you for the magnificent photos. ¬ Janet Thompson Deaver
