Tuesday 8 October 2013

Sauchenford Smallholdings

I decided to explore Sauchenford today as I drove back to Stirling from Cowie

Its a quiet wee hamlet., full of horses and tracks which are used by horse drawn carts

It surprised me how many houses where here.

Mm....I wonder how I get to walk in those woods? I think there called Engine Woods?

More great fungi. I didn't realise that different fungus prefers certain kinds of trees. Not sure what this is

Not sure if its edible. If it was, it would be a feast. With the price of food going up so quickly I believe people will forage more on wild food. I've seen a lot of people out picking food this year.

One thing I couldn't eat......horses. The meat is sold a lot in Switzerland I noticed while I was there.

Reluctantly heading back to the car after a lovely walk

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