Sunday 13 October 2013

Craig Phadrig, Inverness

On the way to the walk Kay showed me this amazing Cauliflower fungus. It was about 2 foot wide. Supposed to be delicious.  Kay took some to eat later but I'm still cautious......

 We headed to Craig Phadrig one of the hills above Inverness

Again we came across so many different fungus. Its only a mile and half to do the walk but it took us ages as we stopped to study the mushrooms.

This is Vespar which Kay found on the path It's a mineral which was used for glass

Ah... at the top. Great views to the north up the Beauly Firth

and Inverness
It was the site of an Iron Age fort. There is a large flat area at the top

A close up of the cauliflower

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