Wednesday 3 April 2013

Sauchie Street to Chartershall House

Today was a lovely day in Stirling. Frost on the car but it warmed up later. I parked at St Ninians in Stirling and walked along Sauchie Street to the start of the walk. I walked up this field to Newpark farm.

 past the farm and over the A9

This is the view looking down the field to Sauchie Street

 The path goes down to the river but its impossible to stay on the path as its so overgrown.

 Ochils View

 After walking across the bridge I was a bit confused where the path went but eventually realised its to the right of this pile of earth

 This is the Statue of Robert the Bruce getting work done to it, in readiness for the 2014 celebrations. I will take a photo when its uncovered.

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