Friday 22 March 2013

Ardoch Roman Camp, Braco

Here is a nice summery scene from todays walk.
But these plants are growing on top of the gateposts to Ardoch estate at Braco. It's a real miniature garden on top there.  We think these are a lichen called The British Soldier Lichen or Cladonia cristatella for the romans amongst you. Just been checking and it is unlikely as you only get british soldiers in the US (must have been from colonial days). So it is more likely Cladonia floerkeana which is found in the UK. Anyway it is fascinating as it consists of 2 plants that work together - a fungus and an algal symbiont at least, if it works the same as the british soldier.
This is what it was really like...

And I was there!

We were at the roman camp and here are some photos of the walls and ditches which cover a huge area.

 And this is the central flat area which has the ruins of something in the middle.

And here is what it looks like from Google Maps.

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