Thursday 24 January 2013

The Birds and the Bees in Causewayhead, by Stirling

This is a converted farm steading with stalls to sit in and sheep as stools. I thought it was magical in 1973 when I went there with my brother who was at uni in Stirling.
One photo for the sky which was incredible

and one for the pub

Dumyat covered in snow. Incredible

The Wallace Monument


  1. Great name for a pub! What is the significance of the Wallace Memorial? I remember from the movie that he was quartered and buried in the four corners of the UK (if indeed). Was any part of him buried here or perhaps a significant battle marks this spot?

  2. The Wallace monument was built by victorians wearing their rose tinted glasses. It was the age of romanticism in Scotland and they loved the romantic tragedy. So they raised the money by subscription (Garibaldi provided the biscuits), desecrated a pictish fort that was already there (you can still see part of it) and built this. Supposedly this is where Wallace hid while waiting for the english to cross the river at the Battle of Stirling.

    Braveheart (nicknamed Mad Mac by many), the movie, adjusted the timings of events to make it play better. But it was recorded in history that he was quartered and distributed, though to where would be a tale indeed.

  3. I believe his head was apparently the first to be displayed on London Bridge. The quarters were sent to Newcastle, Berwick, Perth and Aberdeen...
